2016 MMoV Conference Tour - Suitland, MD
The 2016 Mighty Men of Valor (MMoV) Conference Tour, hosted by Apostle Tony Brazelton, has it's 4th and final stop back at home in Suitland, Maryland on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016. The Summit is a continuation of the theme of the Year - Reset, Reboot, Renew with Praise & Worship and Kingdom Teaching to relate to every man, no matter their background. In this installation, the one-day gathering features workshops and a general session featuring Pastor Tyrone Marshall, Pastor Demond Taylor, and host Apostle Tony Brazelton.
MMoV is the Men's Outreach Initiative of Tony & Cynthia Brazelton Ministries (TCBM) and the Conference is designed to encourage men from all walks of life to take their rightful place as the Sons of God in the Earth. As the visionary of MMoV, Apostle Tony empower men with the Word of God in order for them to fulfill their God-given purpose. This Conference Series is sure to do the very same for you!
Workshop & General Sessions include:
- "Maximize Your Manhood"
- "Now I Can See"
- "Reset, Reboot, Renew"
Full Conference Series - 3 Sessions | Available in .mp3 Audio, .mp4 Video, CD, and DVD
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