Manifesting the Kingdom by Faith
Some say the Bible is a mystery. Indeed, it does contain secret or hidden truths concerning the Kingdom of Heaven, but God reveals them to us by revelation (Deut 29:29). As He shines a light on these revelations, you will begin to see things you’ve never seen before. In this teaching, Cynthia Brazelton helps uncover through scripture that God’s will is His kingdom be manifested here on earth—that the earth would be an extension of heaven. This will happen if the church would take its rightful place and position by using its power and authority over sickness and disease and drive out all the works of the enemy.
Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of your position in God. Wherever you go, there should be a demonstration of God’s Word. There should be signs, wonders and miracles—not only in your life but in the lives of those with whom you come in contact. It is your faith in what Jesus has accomplished for you that you get to enjoy the kingdom of heaven. Be empowered through this revelatory message and watch God’s Kingdom come into focus by your faith!
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