Prayer That Unlocks Heaven
Whether you’ve been praying for years or you’re new to the idea of talking to God, this teaching will help reveal mysteries to how to see the answers to your heart’s desires in your life! Your power, rule, and dominion come from Heaven. It is the awareness of the source of all things good that is the foundational key to achieving Heaven on Earth. In this 2-part message, Pastor Cynthia Brazelton shares the Heart of the Father to see us His children as an extension of all He is here on Earth! He isn’t hiding things from us but for us because it’s His good pleasure to give us the Kingdom (Luke 12:32)! As Jesus, our perfect example came to reveal the same relationship He has with the Father, He did so for us to know that we have the same access. Gain greater understanding of your authority to bind and loose according to what’s lawful in God’s Kingdom and live the supernatural life always meant for you -- on Earth as it is in Heaven!
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